12/13th July 2003

This was the first annual Laneriders camping trip, kindly organised by Dave Jones.

Me and Daniel Swain arrived at 3.00 after some hit and miss navigating by Dan! We set up camp and had a wander round to meet everyone else.

We set off for some laning at around 5.00pm.

Some nice gentle lanes...

... then it starts to get a bit rougher...

Why wasnt i warned about this bit?!?!


This is a very rocky lane with a deep washout running down one side

The truck see-saws over the edge as Rob jnr jumps on the back to stop the truck rolling


Jermey and Klare coming down

Dale makes it DOWN without any drama...

Followed by Simon Touron with a very nice SPOA Samurai with diesel engine.

Now Dale comes back up. I'll let the pictures explain...

A quick line up...

We returm to camp around 9.30 for some tea. We set off to go laning in the dark at 11.30 but the one and only Land Rover on the trip busts a driveshaft. We return to camp and finally at half-past-midnight a few of us set off to do the Wayfairers lane in the dark; Andy Whalley, Simon Touron, Brett Dukes and Daniel, with whom i jump in with. We return to camp at about 2.30am and retire to bed.

I was very rudely awoken at 7.30am by someone shaking the truck! We had an enormous breakfast and got ready to go laning again.

Down some very scratchy lanes

To 'the steps'...

No strictly speaking 'steps', but very bumpy none the less

Safely down, then back to camp where we pack up and set off home.

Thanks to Dave and Simon for organising the weekend, you couldnt have picked a sunnier two days!