25th January 2004

Well it was Sundy. And I was bored. "Wanna go laning, Greg?" I didnt need to ask twice!

After meeting at my house at 3pm, we headed for Ashbourne as there were a few lanes that way I wanted to do again. We went first to Tissington ford for a little play before the laning began.



The first lane was litterally 50 yards from the ford, and was very muddy! We had to cross a field full of cows. Anyone else notice the similarity between cows and OLD PEOPLE? The way they both stand in your way and stare at you without moving or blinking is quite un-nerving! After being brave and getting out to open the gate amongst the cows we can continue.



Its starting to get dark as we head down the next lane. Time for spotlights.


The final lane of the day is a long one, with lots of gates. It begins near Longcliffe and goes on for a good 4-5 miles. Its is very muddy and heavily rutted in places and requires good planning to avoid getting stuck.


Near the far end we meet a group of off roaders coming the other way. After waiting for them we see they have and SJ and Vitara with them.

We finish the lane which leads on to the A515, and then head off home.