22nd February 2004

Tim Weston had organised another event at the brilliant Wagtail 4x4 Centre. He very kindly invited Suzuki Storm along to join in the fun.

The site has had a bit of work done to it since the our last visit, [click here], with a new twisty mud run, 'landscaping' done to the banked section and the sea saw moved to a new location.

We first went to the new mud run which contains huge humps and hollows, with some very deep and sticky boggy bits. Jamie was first to attempt this, and after 20ft ground to a halt. He winched himself out of the side of the obstacle, and watched the next vehicle go through. It was a very nice, highly modified Samurai, which sailed though all 200 metres of the muddy section, whereupon he came to the 'easy' end bit, and this happened:


Parked up to watch


On the recently redesigned 'humpy' bit




One of many many times my truck is used to winch off by Jamie. It has now been christened the 'mobile ground anchor'.


Onto the seesaw


Such skill!





Thanks to Jamie and Tim for the photos